VIII International Student’s Scientific Conference
May 18, 2023
We are glad to invite you to our annual Conference dedicated to topical issues and trends in the modern socio-economic development of countries, regions and industries.
For the first time the Conference will be held as part of the Multilingual Environment Project, and it will allow not only to hear to experts, but also to exchange views with scientists from different regions of the world in six UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
The original articles in all these languages (except Russian) will be published in Conference Proceedings, which is supposed to be included in the RSCI database. The best articles in Russian will be published in the electronic scientific journal "Innovative Economics", which is included in the RSCI database and the international citation database Academic Resource Index ResearchBib.
We look forward to seeing you! Participation in the conference is free.
Download information letter in your language:
Nr. 1
русский | english | français | español | 中文 | العربية
Nr. 2
русский | english | français | español | 中文 | العربية
Digital assets and economic security
National economy transformation in the context of globalization
in English
Contradictions of the modern financial system: decentralization versus globalization
in English
Development of the management paradigm in the context of global business
in English
المدن كمحركات للاقتصاد العالمي
(in Arabic)
América Latina en la economía mundial en el siglo XXI: realidades y perspectivas
Latin America in the system of the world economy in the 21st century: realities and prospects
(in Spanish)
Desarrollo innovador de Iberoamérica
Innovative development of the Iberoamerican countries
(in Spanish)
Russia and China in a multipolar world
(in Chinese)
Региональное социально-экономическое развитие: мировой опыт и Россия
Regional socio-economic development: World and Russian experience
(in Russian)
Тенденции внешнеэкономической деятельности в странах и регионах мира в
условиях глобализации
Foreign economic activity trends in the context of globalization
(in Russian)
Transformations numériques : expérience comparée des États asiatiques et africains
Digital transformations: comparative experiences of Asian and African countries (in French)
You can download the Program below
Al-Hewar Center for Political and Media Studies
University Salah Boubdiner Constantine-3