May 22, 2025

RUDN University, Moscow

Questions and answers

Here we collected answers to the most frequently asked questions.
May I participate in the conference without report and paper? Will I receive a certificate of participation in this case?
Yes, this form of participation is possible. However, we still ask you to submit an application here.
May I make a presentation in a language that is not declared for the section? For example, in the English section, speak in Russian.
No, unfortunately, the presentation can only be in the language of the section. However, an article can be written in one of the six languages of the conference, regardless of the language of presentation.
In what languages may I publish a paper?
We accept papers in any of the eleven conference languages. However, there is a slight difference in the requirements and publication procedure.
  1. If the paper is written in Russian, it might be recommended for submission to the electronic scientific journal "Innovative Economics", included in the RSCI database and the international citation database Academic Resource Index ResearchBib, after passing the review procedure. In this case, the paper should be formatted according to these requirements.
  2. If the paper is written in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish or Arabic etc., then it can be published in the conference proceedings indexed in the RSCI. Requirements can be found here.
May I participate online?
Yes, the conference provides offline and remote participation. Links to broadcasts will be sent out in advance.
When will the Conference Program be published?
The Program will be posted on the website about a week before the event, as well as sent to speakers by e-mail.
May I withdraw my application or amend it?

Yes, to do this, contact us by e-mail rudn.orgkomitet@gmail.com in any convenient language.

May I make several presentations and submit several papers?
Unfortunately not. Each participant can act as the main author only once. However, you can make a second presentation and submit a second paper as a co-author.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions:

E-mail: rudn.orgkomitet@gmail.com